The bed is one of the children’s furniture to consider. With a comfortable bed, of course, your child can sleep soundly. The average child needs 8 to 12 hours of sleep or rest. Adequate rest time is also very important for your child. When resting, the child’s energy returns, blood supply to the muscles is met, and nerve growth becomes faster. That is why the better the sleep quality of the little one, the better the growth of the little one.
In fact, according to research, children who like fuss and difficult to manage during the day are the effects of sleep that is not comfortable. Seeing this problem, the thing that has an important role in determining the quality of children’s sleep is the bed they use. Here are 5 tips from Indonesia Rattan Furniture for choosing Toddler Bed.
1. Pay attention to the size of the child’s bed
Before buying a bed for a child, make sure the size matches the height and weight of the child. If the size of the bed is not right then this will make the child uncomfortable. On the other hand if the bed is too big it is also not good if your child is typically active. It could be that they roll around and do not realize they reached the bedside. This can cause your child at risk of falling from his bed.
2. Smartly choose a child’s bed
Instinct and curiosity are shared by all children. Which is why it is highly recommended to buy a bed that is strikingly shaped. For example a bed in the form of a toy car. Sometimes, with a design that is too strange and unique. This bed will provoke their desire to continue playing and can cause them to have trouble sleeping and distracted.

So choose a bed that looks simple but still functional like a rattan bedroom furniture Examples such as Ceylon Toddler Bed and Tracey Toddler Bed from Indonesia rattan furniture that has a unique design that you can find here. Also avoid unnecessary decorations on children’s mattresses so they can sleep soundly.
3. Mattresses also need to be considered
In addition to the form of mattresses, mattresses as a base for bedding should also be considered when choosing a bed. The level of tenderness of the mattress is very important as a comfort factor when sleeping. Mattress that is too hard will disturb the child and can have an impact on the spine of your child. Not many parents realize that their child sometimes has scoliosis because of it.
But that does not mean the softest mattress is the best solution because with a mattress that is too soft causes an impact that is not good for the baby’s respiratory system.
4. Consider security for a Children’ Bed

When choosing a child’s bed, still consider safety. Sometimes children can not be quiet when they sleep, for example hands or feet that can be thrown everywhere while sleeping. To reduce the risk, it helps you choose a bed that has a brow or a sharp angle.
5. Consider endurance
The durability of the bed you also need to consider when considering purchasing children’s furniture such as a bed because the bed is an item that will be used every day by your child. By buying a quality bed with good durability, you no longer need to buy a new bed in a short span of time while saving costs in the future.
So, are you ready to buy a bed as children’s furniture? Rattan Furniture Indonesia is one of the exporters of natural rattan and fiber from Indonesia. we also sell the best children’s furniture and Best Kids bed for your children If you are interested or want to know about other products, you can see our products on the website.
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